flotex® must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sub-floors must be level, smooth, hard, clean and dry before laying commences. Uneven, solid or suspended timber floors may need additional preparation to meet the required standard. Where there is direct to-earth concrete it is essential that an effective damp-proof membrane be incorporated. Prior to installation, flotex® must be allowed to relax for 24 hours at a uniform room temperature of between 18°C and 27°C. All sub-floors must be tested for acceptable moisture content in accordance with SANS 10070 prior to the commencement of installation. Note that excessive moisture in the sub-floor will react adversely with the adhesive during the curing period. The recommended adhesive is FloorworX No. 62 acrylic.
NOTE: DO NOT REVERSE sheets for seaming. Install with arrows all pointing in the same direction. Whenever possible, run the arrows toward the main light source. Install sheets running lengthwise in corridors. Butt factory trimmed edges for seaming. Smooth the seams. Do not use a stretcher or knee kicker on flotex®. Trim the excess material at doorways and walls using a carpet knife or edge trimmer with a hooked blade, and use a bolster to press flotex® firmly into the adhesive after trimming.